Wanna be friends? -Things you should know about me.

3 min readApr 25, 2021
Elizabeth Somiari

I’m Elizabeth, a Nigerian living in France. No, French is not my First Language, English is. I love languages, and it intrigues me, when I hear people communicate in a language that I don’t understand. It’s a beautiful sight, and it gives me the desire to want to understand what they’re saying. I’m not actually attracted to every language though, to me, languages are like songs and the melody I hear when it’s being spoken is what seduces me.

I’ve currently been seduced by French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Korean. Recently, I’ve been checking out Japanese a lot. Anyways, I’ve been into the Korean language for almost a decade now. I just thought you should know that I was here first, because it’s like the whole world is finally beginning to appreciate the Korean culture.

I love food, but I’ve got posh taste buds. It has to be tasty and pretty too, or I won’t be able to eat it. Take me to an Asian restaurant, and I’m going to be your best friend. I eat a lot of greens, and reds, and oranges, I mean, you get it right? I think salads are tasty, when you use the right dressing, and there’s nothing cooler than a fruit salad, or just a bowl filled with fruits. Pineapple is probably my favourite fruit, but since I do not live in a tropical area anymore, I’ll just go with berries.




Sharing my discoveries in life’s lessons. Instagram: @minalisalalisa #learninglife www.elizabethsturf.com